Customer Reviews for Blood Brothers

2 Customer reviews


Star rating

Sarah Jane Buckley - superb

Janice from Liverpool, England
13th March 2025

Saw blood brothers this afternoon when Sarah Jane Buckley was playing the part of Mrs Johnstone. I've seen the show twice before and Sarah Janes performance surpassed the other Mrs Johnstone's I've seen. She was incredible. What a talent . Think the whole theatre was crying with her at the end. Amazing - and so glad I got to see her play this part.

Never fails, entertainment gold

Charles Barclay from Woking, England
17th January 2024

I have seen this show many times, The Woking show is superb in every respect The Theatre itself is an excellent venue, the location. seating, facilties and STAFF are great. Plenty of eating places around, plus bars including within the Theatre entrances. The Sets and Actors bring to life a fabulous story/musical and heart rendering reflection of social divides. You will laugh and cry, above all you will be well entertained. Not to be missed. CB

Blood brothers

Julie from Brighton,
7th October 2023

First time loved it , wanted to cry at end . Well done cast x


Troy from Brighton,
4th October 2023

Was a amazing show took mygirlfriend Kim she loved it standing ovations brilliant

Blood brothers

Fredrick feedback from Japan
14th February 2023

I watched this and its good 👍 👌 😌 🙌 👏 😍 👍 👌 😌 🙌 👏 sold 7.2.01

Fantastic Show

Jacqueline Kewley from Liverpool,
27th October 2022

Went tonight. Fantastic show haven't seen before would highly recommend