Edward Scissorhands

Bourne has reinvented Edward Scissorhands. Using his acute directorial skills and the incredible design flair of Lez Brotherston, Bourne has fashioned a tender and funny dance play about the ultimate outcast.
The Times
Why see Edward Scissorhands?
Back for 2023
Matthew Bourne's New Adventures revive this glorious adaptation of Tim Burton's gothic fairytale for 2023/24, giving audiences another chance to enjoy the peculiar story of Edward Scissorhands and his journey into the strange world of suburban America. Scored by Danny Elfman and Terry Davis, don't miss this haunting yet delightfully heartwarming tale from the modern ballet master!
What is the story?
When Edward Scissorhands' creator dies leaving him half-finished, he decides to venture out into the town below and discover the wider world where he falls in love with a beautiful young girl called Kim. But the community is unable to get past his appearance, mistaking his quirks for malevolence. Faced with the ire of the townsfolk and her father, Edward and Kim must find a way to save him - before they catch up with him!
Key Information
Run Time
Customer reviews
Sam HS
Amazingly beautiful introduction to Ballet
A whimsical delight - incredible