Forsooth! Much Ado About Nothing finished at Shakespeares Globe Theatre on August 24, 2024

Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing at Shakespeares Globe Theatre

Forsooth! Much Ado About Nothing finished at Shakespeares Globe Theatre on August 24, 2024

Why see Much Ado About Nothing?

the timeless comedy returns to the globe

One of Shakespeare's most beloved comedies, Much Ado About Nothing pits the sexes against each other with riotous results. Two couples dance around declaring their love for each other; Benedick and Beatrice, and Hero and Claudio. But when the machinations of a dastardly nobleman threaten their happiness, one of our heroes must fake their own death to get a truly happy ending. Back at the Globe for the 2024 season, enjoy a vivid, Elizabethan-flavoured production of this classic, with Globe Associate Artistic Director Sean Holmes at the helm.

What is the story?

Claudio loves Hero and she loves him back; in fact, there appears that nothing will ever keep these two lovers apart. In the meantime, Claudio's friend Benedick has fallen in love with Beatrice, and vice versa, but because these two play mind games with each other, it appears that getting them together is an insurmountable task. But when a vengeful nobleman enters the fray, his schemes and intrigues force Benedick into admitting his love for Beatrice, as well as having to kill his best friend. Only the intrigues of a resentful prince force Benedick to prove his love for Beatrice by vowing to kill his best friend. But will he be able to carry out this man's nefarious plan? Or will friendship and honesty prevail?


Customer reviews


Splendid Shakespeare

This has to be one of the most imaginative interpretations of this often maligned comedy by the bard. I have seen many productions during many years of theatre going but this was, by far and away, the most enjoyable. I was with my partner for whom this was a first Shakespeare.I am delighted to say that he is now eagerly awaiting the next one! The whole cast deserve the highest praise. If I were to single out individuals it would have to be Tom Batemans' Claudio and Andy James' Don Pedro. Also I would like to mention Kathryn Hunt. I have always admired this actors' work and she did not disappoint-great work! Finally, the two leads.David Tennants' comic timing is just superb and his connection with the audience is amazing. Long admired his work in all it's forms but he definitely excels on stage with a live audience. Catherine Tate is a perfect foil and the empathy between her and David Tennant is tangible. T'n'T - pure dynamite!!! A total joy of a production. ... Read more


An apology

Sorry Adam! My partner had to type the review for me as I can't always use my hands and he made a mistake with your name. Our apologies. ... Read more



The two nights before this performance, David was too ill to perform, but you would not have been able to tell by his performance tonight. Was pleasantly surprised by the very creative on stage directing, it left me in tears of laughter at points! The whole cast was brilliant, now in their last few shows, and left me with a buzz after it ended. Wish I could go again. ... Read more
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