Customer Reviews for The Constituent

8 Customer reviews


Star rating

A must see production

Susan from London, England
13th July 2024

A truly excellent performance by James, Anna & Zachary. Enjoyed the play from beginning to end. I was able to get a photograph with James and autographs with James & Zachary at the stage door but upset not to have done the same with Anna as was later informed that she had already left as she leaves from the front entrance of the theater.

says it all

roger beasley from London, England
23rd June 2024

The subject certainly needs exposure and action now by all governments. A thoughtful, humorous and at the end deeply moving performance by all the cast. The production was a credit to everyone involved . Thanks for giving us a great evening at the Old Vic and, as usual, thanks for the message Joe.

Could be a bit more imaginative

Linda from London, England
15th June 2024

Absolutely brilliant!

A brilliant performance reflecting the depressing reality of life for many in today's UK

Lindy van den Berghe from Marlow, England
30th June 2024

Superb acting by James Corden and Anna Maxwell Martin. He plays Alec, a vulnerable, well-meaning, kind but PTSD-afflicted ex-soldier who desperately wants a "normal" life and tries to do the right thing. She plays Monica, a compassionate MP who tries to do the right thing. Yet through economic and social circumstances in today's UK, misinterpretation, and a "bad" character (a Met policeman who believes he is doing the right thing), both Alec and Monica end up "losers". A very depressing but realistic and thought-provoking play reflecting life for many in today's UK.

Sound difficult in bayliss circle

Colin from London, England
1st August 2024

The production was great, but if they are going to do this 'in the round', with stage seats, they really ought to have been miced. When the actors faced the stage audience, you couldn't hear much up where I was, particularly AMM. I wondered whether she had spent too much time in TV productions, and had forgotten to project. A very interesting and apt subject, and overall very entertaining, just the sound!

The Constituent

Oxoma from London, England
23rd June 2024

We were seated in the Stage Stalls-a new experience for us at the Old Vic. Excellent view from there although the view is uniformly good from all seating areas at this theatre. It's in one act with no interval and lasts about 90 minutes including scene changes A script that starts with a lot of humour but quickly becomes dark and quite scary. The acting from all three characters is excellent. By the end I trusted none of the characters. Alec, played by James Corden, is a manipulator and it's hard to know how much of what he says is truthful. Monica, the MP, is in many respects a strong person but is she being taken in by Alec? Mellor is the policeman. who changes from providing sane advice to being violent and is accused of selling data to the press. I could have done without the cheap shots at The Met- a weakness of the play for me. The writer, Joe Penhall, could have been a little subtler here. Overall, a 4 rather than 5 star play but well worth seeing.