Customer Reviews for Touching The Void

1 Customer reviews


Star rating

Not quite the peak of success

Gerry Collins from Bicester, England
5th January 2020

Having seen the film and (as most audiences) already knowing the outcome, I went to see the play Touching the Void intrigued to know how the story could possibly be staged with similar effect as achieved on screen. A fair amount of explanation was needed, and accomplished via the two subsidiary characters, but that is not the same thing as seeing yawning chasms and precarious footholds for yourself. Audience-pleasing humour is introduced into the script and the set and music combine well to maintain the drama. The friendship between Joe and Simon could have been more deeply explored, especially relating to the dramatic focal point of the play at the end of Act 1. I thought that Joe's solo struggles after that had too much stage time (and were not visible from much of the stalls) : the effect on Simon needed more attention. I appreciate that the book was written by Joe Simpson and naturally follows his adventure, so some adaptation would have been needed for a wider perspective.