Customer Reviews for The Lehman Trilogy

2 Customer reviews


Star rating

Loved it...

Jane from London,
9th July 2018

Don't be daunted by 3 hour running time - it flew by. SRB was as ever excellent and so were Ben Miles and Adam Godley. Totally believable as all the characters. Very interesting story, topical as well, re immigrants to US and Mr Trumps current stand. Brilliant

Too long and self indulgent

Natasha from London,
13th July 2018

The acting is really good, the first of the three scenes interesting but it really missed the point. It missed every opportunity to say something interesting about what happened to the collapse of the firm and really was just another story about immigrants to America getting rich quick. It is self indulgent at three and a half hours long and badly needs editing. What a wasted opportunity to say something insightful about the banking crisis that the poor are still paying for.