Customer Reviews for The Audience

15 Customer reviews


Star rating

An unusual and imaginative trip through history

Christina Hartley from London,
22nd May 2013

A friend and I were delighted to obtain two 'restricted view' seats after the show was officially sold out. How lucky we were. The historical references, witty reposts, and the excellent characterisations were brilliant. The seats were fine as the dialogue was so interesting and the action was mostly centre stage. The 'Queen's' outfits reflected the age of the monarch and were of the period. Fantastic! Brilliant! as the audience standing ovation at the conclusion showed. Thank you everyone involved.

Difficult choice

Sue Davis from London,
3rd March 2013

Fabulous characterisation in an intelligent production. Acting is wonderful and the set is fantastic. We wouldn't like to be on the panel selecting best supporting actor/actress at next year's theatre awards: too much choice here.

The Audience

Anonymous from London,
22nd February 2013

Absolutely loved it. Beautifully acted, very funny and yet very poignant at times. Best thing I've seen on the stage for years.


B Dillon from London,
19th February 2013

I took mum to see it on the 16 th as a birthday treat and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was witty, poignant at times and brilliantly acted and scripted . The costume changes were very clever, Helen Mirren was excellent and mischievous at times. I loved all the PM's especially John Major and Wilson, who were both very funny.the young Elizabeth deserves a mention for her feisty performance and cut glass accent. Highly recommended and I am sure it will win many awards!

Helen Mirren in The Audience

Janet & Paul Buck - Preston UK from London,
19th February 2013

Was so so lucky to get tickets for 15th Feb - what a birthday present - got a box!!!! Helen Mirren was superb as HM, Robert Hardy as Churchill excellent - as were the rest - Harold Wilson was my favourite - the scene at balmoral is tickling - how did they get the corgis on and off - the dress changes were superbly done - i only noticed how they had done it during the second change - go see it if you get the chance worth every penny

Sublimely Good

Kay from London,
17th February 2013

Funny, intelegent, and absolutely captivating.....Helen, is amazingly good...would and will go and see it again