Customer Reviews for Queenz: Drag Me To The Disco
1 Customer reviews
Overall 5/5
Star rating
A joyous delight!
Helen Pitt from Birmingham, England
2nd March 2025
Drag me to the disco is a hugely energetic, massively wonderful celebration of music from the fifties up to the present day. It's sassy, rather than sexy, bawdy rather than blue and in my seventies, I can say hand on heart, it's the BEST feel good, uplifting show I have ever seen, I came away feeling loved up and marvellous. The costumes are spectacular but oh those queens, their voices are fabulous, really fabulous. The choreography makes you instantly want to get up and dance and the entire night is a constant energetic flow of loveliness and fun. I can recommend it wholeheartedly for any age - just go and have some fun and you will definitely want to go and see it again!