Customer Reviews for Cirque du Soleil Alegria

5 Customer reviews


Star rating


Henry from London, England
18th January 2024

At times your heart was in your mouth, other times you were laughing out loud. The performances were technically perfect and there was artistic and creative genius. Every element was carefully thought out. You feel an affinity to the characters. Royal Albert Hall staff all seemed friendly and keen to do everything in their power to make the experience a pleasant one. Delighted we went and it’s something that you keep thinking over in your head afterwards.


Kay from London, England
10th February 2024

We have been to see Cirque de Soliel a number of times, and it has always been a feast on the eyes and ears. Unfortunately, Allegria really disappointed. There were elements that showed promise, the tumbling and aerial trapeze were fab, but it all lacked the cohesive story telling and fantastical staging. We try and see them as often as we can, but not sure I would pay the prices again.


Barbara from London, England
14th January 2024

We went to see Alegria In a new light at the royal Albert hall. We had great seats (J stalls 43 and 44 row 7) but the show was disappointing and at times it was quite boring particularly when there was a solo performance or 2 performers doing a 15 minute segment. The performers were all good, backflipping and tumbling their way around the stage on trampolines and the trapeze and the singers were good but nothing that was the wow factor. I was hoping to see more exciting props/ staging. The seats needed a good clean and there was an unpleasant smell of fish when we first entered the stall area. I have had a much better experience at The royal opera house in Covent Garden! It wasn’t worth the money we paid sadly which is a real shame as we really hoped to enjoy this show.

Go Back to Your Core Values Cirque Du Soleil

Anne Brighton from London, England
11th February 2024

This was my third show in a span of 10 years that I have seen a Cirque du Soleil at the Albert Hall in London. The production Alegeria was by far not at the same level and a disappointing compared to the previous shows. The talent in the people and choreography is exceptional, however the show was taken over by the clowns who were somewhat entertaining in the beginning and boringly annoying as time progressed. It was obvious that it had been arranged that way to save costs since it requires very little to do a clown act. Moreover, the clowns did not allow the show to progress and appreciate the true nature of the show. There is no real theme to the show. Costume and stage design has gone drastically down and rarely is there more than two people in the particular act. During the show's beginning and the end is there a group act in order to alert your attention in the beginning and end on a positive note so as to not leave a sour taste. You can fool most of the people most of the time, but not all the people all the time. I do not think it is worth the money. Please go back to your core and not put greed before quality.

Go to the circus

Niamh from London, England
7th February 2024

I recently went to Cirque Du Soleil Alegra (London) in the Royal Albert Hall while the venue is incredible the show is mediocre. The singing is wonderful, the acrobatics are good but only a portion of the show. a lot of the show, particularly in the first half is taken up with a mime who are irritating and not at all funny. My advice is give this show a miss and instead go to the circus, the circus is a much more enjoyable experience, costs a fraction of the price, with similar acrobatic stunts. The second half of cirque du soleil slightly redeems itself finishing with a series of impressive acrobatic incredibly well timed & synced stunts. The youtube clip on this show looks sensational but does not accurately represent the show; it shows incredible acrobatics taking centre stage, what it doesn't show is after each acrobatic stunt the frustrating mime would return to the stage and stay even longer than the acrobatic performers. They even worked cleaning the stage into the mime for about 10 mins. The mime etc. felt more like a filler than part of the show. Giving viewers a sense of frustration that it never really took off until the final act. Even in the spectacular Royal Albert Hall I still came away from the show feeling cheated and underwhelmed. If the show had been more consistently geared towards the acrobatics/gymnastics then it would have been spectacular and worth the high price tag!