Customer Reviews for Boys From The Blackstuff

1 Customer reviews


Star rating

Hard hitting

Debbie Joplin from London, England
16th June 2024

I went to see this last night, loved the 80's tunes, before the performance. Personally , I found this to be raw, emotional and funny in parts. I remember the times and series well. Barry Sloanes performance of Yosser was brilliant, the police scene brought a tear to my eye. To be fair all performers did an amazing job. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.


Martin lawrence from Liverpool, England
17th December 2024

Went to see this absolutely brilliant gritty moving funny play this year took me back to my youth watching this drama series by Alan bleasdale on BBC it’s a must see for anyone who remembers the original the whole cast were outstanding this is why we have booked again in March .