Customer Reviews for As You Like It
The Globe doing what The Globe does briliantly
If you are looking for strict adherence to the text The Globe is not your reading room, I love that there are modern songs and phrases added, this is how the play would be if Shakespeare was here to present it. He used contemporary phrasing and so does the Globe.
As You Love It
Brilliant. Actors, music, interpretation, setting, location - loved it!
As You Like It - Well I liked it a lot
The Themes of the play are well shown: romance and the potential for men to change. However amongst those themes were the ones of exile and hatred which twisted and turned the words and actions of lovers. The play shows how the relationships of certain people evolve as time goes on. The epilogue, recited by Rosalind, ended the play and all took a bow and we applauded loudly. It was an inspiring and in some ways a relatable story. The actors played the parts with great passion, the lighting; sets and costumes were amazing and was overall a very professional and entertaining performance. I recommend it to all Shakespeare lovers and even those who aren’t Shakespeare lovers, this play will open your eyes to sheer genius ness that is theatre.
Don't listen to anyone but me
People who think the casting of this interpretation is "important" are wrong. People complaining of "poor projection" are wrong. People complaining of poor acting saw an entirely different play. Save a few cuts that are a little baffling (at least to one who knows the drama quite well), this energetic production makes phenomenal use of the space, its cast, and the very conventions of the theater. To those complaining that it's "too musical"—you did know AYLI has a TON of songs in it, right? Does it matter that they're contemporary pop songs? Shakespeare incorporated contemporary pop songs into his texts. It's why Amiens exists. I loved it and froze my butt off for it. You should, too!
Yes I liked it!
This production gave me a taste of the energy and ribaldry I think we would have experienced in Shakespeare's day. I enjoyed the musical numbers which added to the sense of fun - a true comedy.
Rosalind: a stand out charismatic wonder
This is a light-hearted (it is a comedy) romp in the forest. Both Celia and Rosalind were excellent together and held the play for a few of the others - the fool had such a strong accent and glib delivery that I lost the best of her repartee. Poor excellent Phoebe’s admirer was so limp with such a tiny inaudible voice that I felt sorry for her for being stuck with him at the end. The music was superb using modern songs in a way I’m sure Shakespeare would have loved. The queer theme gave the mystery of he woods an added warmth. But Rosalind, with her athletic grace, wonderful facial acting and witty, flirtatious elegance completely stole the show. I will certainly go to anything else she is in! A very enjoyable evening.