Customer Reviews for An Inspector Calls

7 Customer reviews


Star rating


Jay from Liverpool, England
23rd November 2024

I absolutely cherished every moment of the show! It was nothing short of fantastic!


Tom Kingston from Romsey , England
29th April 2023

A fantastic performance by a polished cast. The attention to detail and symbolism in the set was cleverly and skilfully executed. A full house, the majority of which were GCSE students, and everyone was transfixed. There was no interval but the play was so enthralling that it went by in no time at all. A lovely theatre that was a pleasure to visit.

Outstanding production

Dan Lane from Emsworth, Hants
29th April 2023

The pace, rhythm and melodrama is played to perfection and intensified by the supremely uncanny set that blends Edwardian gentility (period setting) with blitzed London (backdrop to writing). While the characters recognise, then variously explain away their complicity in Eva Smith’s suicide, the stage, and so the confessions, is haunted by figures of social conscience, judgement and consequence. The disproproportions of the house are perfectly in proportion with the egos of the Birling, and its symbolic rebuilding of ‘the House of Birling’ is in lock-step with the melodrama. A wonderful evening, thank you.

What a windfall! I loved it!

Betty Christensen from Walnut Creek, CA USA
7th January 2010

I was trying to fit in as many plays as I could on my 5-day trip to London in November.. this was hands down my favorite! I'm still thinking about it 2 months later...would love to see it again, but am back on the other side of the pond. The psychological suspense transfixed me... the main characters were whirling around in an undertow created by their own life choices and attitudes.. seeming more inclined to finger pointing than introspection.. I found myself being annoyed by all the peripheral characters wandering around the edges of the stageset throughout the performance.. then in the end I felt like the inspector's inquisition turned on me.. making me wonder what person in my life was represented by these "gray" people I had found annoying and distracting, and what effect my ignorance might have on people like them... the play had deeply personal implications for me...


Matt C + Ed N from Portsmouth, UK
2nd October 2009

We vistied the theatre on the 24th of september. We went to see the play as we are studing it for our GCSE'S. We personally found the setting of the play was sometimes difficult to comprehend and we were confused by the use of two contexts. I think they could have inproved on this by having only one. The Strong points of this play included the very good actors and the exceptional set and was extreamly realistic. The set was very clever as it showed the Birlings higher status compared to the Inspector and Edna but at the end the birlings came crashing down. Also all the clothes were representing the characters personality the director was very clever and used a pathetic fallecy. Overall i would recommend this play to anyone studying this for GCSE'S or anyone intrested. This was a fantastic play to go and see at the Novello Theatre i would go and see it again.

Gogol 19th century

David Samuels from England
20th October 2009

A brilliant production. Same theme as the Government Inspector by Gogol; hence inspector Goole Like with Gogol the Birlings have a naive trust in authority In Gogol the town is expecting a central government inspection on the quality of their services. A drunk turns up and they think HE is the inspector. He runs rings round them. Making fools of them The ending is the same. The actors freeze into waxworks. They realise their lives have been run by a fake. Dont trust those that rule us is the message.