The Reviews For The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Are In!

The Show Is A Roaring Success!
This foot-stomping, award-winning musical adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's iconic tale has already sold-out performances at Southwark Playhouse and is now playing at the Ambassadors Theatre. Adapted by Jethro Compton and Darren Clark, this reimagined version transports us to a Cornish fishing village, where Benjamin is born old and grows younger each day, longing for a place to belong. With a breathtaking soundtrack performed by an actor-musician. Here's what critics are saying about this "truly unordinary" new musical, guaranteed to make you treasure every moment.
Critic Reviews
"The production's full-bore approach to emotion is reminiscent of Come from Away; there are times when it substitutes pure sentiment for satisfying narrative structure, particularly in the second act as Button faces the unavoidably human experiences of loss and grief." - The Guardian
"Words cannot express the true beauty and vibrancy of Jethro Compton's book here. Taking the essence of the story and moving it to Cornwall, the result is an intimate and personal exploration of a very distinct story. In other hands, the story of a baby being born as a fully grown pensioner could be played solely for laughs with farcical and exaggerated elements played out." - All That Dazzles
"More to the point, it has a joy, romance and big-hearted elan that stands in stark contrast to Fitzgerald's cynicism and the dolefulness of Fincher's sloggy film. Indeed, despite tragic notes from the off Benjamin's mum takes her own life early on the tone is largely whimsical and upbeat, focussing on the eccentric minutiae of Cornish village life, from oddball shopkeepers to dozy sheep." - Time Out
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is one of those shows which deserves more than the five stars available to give. Whether it finds the commercial success it undoubtedly deserves or simply continues to grow its existing cult reputation, this musical will be remembered as a highlight of London's theatre history. Nobody in good faith can deny the intelligence, talent and beauty currently being showcased at the Ambassadors Theatre." - The Reviews Hub
"Many will know the plot from the 2008 film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, but Compton freshens it up by transposing the story from North America to the UK. Set in an early-to-mid 1900s Cornish fishing village, it's atmospheric, with fishing nets and buoys hanging above a wooden, dock-like stage. Darren Clark's folksy score is studded with Clark and Compton's sea shanty-style songs, and there's a determinedly upbeat essence to the music that prevents the bittersweet story from ever dwelling in its darkness." - The Stage