The Country Girl

The Country Girl at Apollo Theatre

Why see The Country Girl?


Written by American playwright Clifford Odets in 1950 and subsequently adapted for film, The Country Girl is about a turbulent marriage, human failure and a love of the stage. Directed by the highly acclaimed Rufus Norris, the potent drama tells the story of the tribulations of a once-great actor, Frank Elgin, who has one last chance to resurrect his career.

Remembered for his glory days, aged Frank is asked by director Bernie Dodd to perform in his new musical production, Frank accepts. But there is doubt as to whether Frank can cope with the work.

Bernie mistakenly blames country girl Georgie, Frank's cold, embittered wife, for her husband's failed career. What the director does not realise is that Frank is a wily alcoholic and entirely dependent on his wife, and that the couple lost their five-year-old son while he was in Frank's care. Yet masked beneath the resentment that characterises their stormy relationship, a sensual attraction sparks between Bernie and the actor's wife.

The Country Girl brings together two highly respected and acclaimed actors. Frank Elgin is played by the formidable Martin Shaw, best known for his roles in George Gently and multi-award-winning Judge John Deed, while co-star from the same series Jenny Seagrove plays Georgie.

Key Information


The Country Girl is suitable for audiences aged 12 and upwards.


Finished 22 Jan 2011


Martin Shaw
Jenny Seagrove
Mark Letheren
Nicolas Day
Peter Harding
Thomasin Rind
Luke Shaw


Director: Rufus Norris
Designer: Scott Pask and Jonathan Lipman
Lighting: Mark Howett


Customer reviews

12 reviews, average rating: (4.3 Stars)

Margaret Morley

The Country Girl. An Actors world back stage.

It's not The Professionals, but the audience get the chance to see acting at its best. Martin Shaw plays the lead. Well known for starring in the above TV series with co-actor Lewis Collins, where they played two sexy plain clothed policemen. The latter has been reported as, "missing in action", with reference to any recent acting appearances. It's difficult not to mention LAMDA trained Martin's more recent astounding appearance in Shakespeare's, "A Man For All Season's". In his current play one is moved to have genuine concern for the character that he plays; he plays an actor. A well cast co-star Jenny Seagrave plays his wife. Without checking the programme, it seemed to be set in the 1950s in America. The setting was backstage in a theatre. The production, was poor, it could have been much more glamorous. It was so bad that you just have to go to the show to see it. The play also includes a brief insight into the life of a writer. All in all a nice old time play. ... Read more

an on y mo us

Five tickets possibly six say it all

I've seen the play twice in Richmond in August, am coming again in November and in January. Martin Shaw is brilliant and so is Jenny Seagrove, but the minor characters are not to be forgotten, including Luke, son of Martin. As usual even a one-man show involves many and far too many are forgotten in favour of the stars. Though a long-time fan of Mr Shaw I find it a pity critics concentrate on his American accent, he's British in case you had forgotten! A must see! ... Read more

Jason Armitage

A lesson in objectivity (Ms Winskill).

It is regrettable that Maureen Winskill feels the need to use this forum to promulgate her palpably biased and grossly inaccurate views, (I'm half expecting the next review to read, 'little Marky Warky was the best and everyone else was rubbish', posted by his mum!). I'm sure her son and Mark shared halcyon days rubbing along together in the classroom, but she should perhaps remove those rose tinted specs to permit a little objectivity and balance. The Country Girl is a class act with class actors. Seagrove and Shaw command the stage with engaging authority and pathos. Letheren does indeed do well, but it would give anyone a false impression of this show to single him out above anyone else in any way. We enjoyed the same production in Brighton hugely and would recommend any theatre lovers to catch this show in town and to ignore those with an agenda to mislead their expectation of this powerful piece. ... Read more
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